Rethink Adult Ed Challenge

Submission period now closed.

The U.S. Department of Education invites AELFA-funded adult education providers to design innovative, high-quality pre-apprenticeship programs.

The deadline for submissions is 11:59 PM Washington, D.C. time on November 25, 2020. Please submit at least one hour before the deadline to ensure your completed submission is received.

This form is best viewed using Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer 10 or higher. To prevent the loss of any entered information, please save the form as a draft prior to attaching any files or editing your team contact information. When submitting, please do not reload the form or exit the browser until you see a message confirming we have received your submission.

If you encounter any issues, please email [email protected] with a description of the problem, a screenshot, and the date and time of the occurrence.

* denotes required field

Entrant profile

Organization type *

If your organization type is not listed, please select other and specify.

Program vision

Please share your vision for your pre-apprenticeship program. (Note, these questions are relevant to the local need, industry connection, and skill advancement criteria.)

Which industry would your program serve? *

If your industry is not listed, please select other and specify.

Adult learners and education activities

Share a little about the types of learners your program will target and the types of activities your program may deliver. (Note, these questions are relevant to the skill advancement and learner focus criteria.)


Please share a little about your team, including your relevant experience. (Note, this question is relevant to the team criteria.)

Submission checklist

Please check all *

All fields must be completed before clicking "Save & Next"

Submission period now closed.